Olympic Style Shotokan Karate (WKF)


Shotokan Karate is a martial art that is founded on the techniques of punching, striking, kicking and blocking, yet there is a deeper aspect to serious Karate training which deals with character development. Shotokan Karate is a way for an individual to realize greater potential and expand the limits of physical and mental capabilities. Karate in an excellent, time-proven method for personal and physical development.

​Its practice leads to:

  • Muscular and Aerobic Development

  • Body Alignment, Balance, and Movement

  • Increased Perceptual Awareness

  • Stress Management

  • Concentration, Confidence and Discipline

A typical class consists of Kihon (basic techniques - blocks, punches, kicks, and footwork), Kata (forms- prearranged series of techniques designed to teach specific concepts and applications), Kumite (sparring - both free sparring and sparring with specific constraints, always with the student of the utmost concern), and Fitness & Flexibility (strength, endurance, and mobility exercises to assist in the development of overall karate skills).